Better Education for Better Job!
We have completed 27th batches training and trained 1400+ People.
Learn more to develop yourself
We help our migrant brothers & sisters for their career counseling.
Better World For Everyone
We do team building to enjoy and appreciate our volunteer efforts including building their leadership skills.
Diverse Approach
Expert Advice
Professional Team
Result Based
To create an creative platform to connect migrant/expat/local around the world and empower them by sharing our idea, experience, education and knowledge.
We make a positive social impact in our society with the help of our Ambassadors, Volunteers, and Students. We hope to establish 24asia as a global platform and an International Volunteer Organization so that we can help more people across the globe.
Honesty – We believe honesty is the best policy. Positivity – We believe a positive outlook leads to resilience. Global Thinker – We think globally and act locally. Volunteerism – We believe in humanity. Team – We believe No man is an Island.
Happy Students
You can join Us

What We Are Doing

We have completed 27th batches training and trained 1400+ People.
We have completed 148 Episodes of Live Shows.
Social Counselling
We help our migrant brothers & sisters for their career counseling.
Team Building
We do team building to enjoy and appreciate our members efforts.

We do amazing stuff to learn & fun.

24asia has many initiatives where we learn together, celebrate together and have fun. One of our fun & exciting part is Travel Show. We discover and learn about Singapore and to present though our Travel Show to promote Singapore.


Take a look our this video and we are sure, you will love it <3 .

24asia Trusted Partners